Claire's Orchard Notes

Claire's Orchard Notes

An August Update

An August Update

Several years ago, I asked a fellow farmer what she most loves about farming and her reply was, “watching the story of each season unfold. If the farm season was...

An August Update

Several years ago, I asked a fellow farmer what she most loves about farming and her reply was, “watching the story of each season unfold. If the farm season was...

Organic Bartlett pears harvested from Whitestone Mountain Orchard

It’s Harvest Time!

It has been a summer of unrelenting, extreme heat and smoked filled skies here in the Okanogan valley. A summer in which it was difficult for living things to thrive,...

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It’s Harvest Time!

It has been a summer of unrelenting, extreme heat and smoked filled skies here in the Okanogan valley. A summer in which it was difficult for living things to thrive,...

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